Post-production is one of the most important parts of photography in which images are created. Post-production simply means sorting of images, editing of images etc. It requires a number of processes and procedures and this article will be explaining the basic tips photographers need to know for post production.
- ADJUST THE COLOUR AND TEMPERATURE: Adjusting the brightness can help lighten or darken the image as the case may be, in accordance with the mood you’re trying to create. Most times too, you might have to adjust the contrast.
- FLATTEN THE IMAGE: It is advisable to set the highlight slider to -30 and +80. this helps make the highlight dull and the shadows flat about the same tonal range, this technique will give it the right amount of contrast.
- MAKE YOUR SUBJECT POP: Use the clone stamp or healing brush to smooth out skin inconsistencies, and set the clone stamp to approximately 15% opacity to smooth out transitions in the sky or in patterns without much detail. Set a curve adjustment layer to a brighter exposure and another to a darker exposure. Then, use a layer mask and brushes to dodge and burn, that is, to affect the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows in various parts of the image.