Like the saying goes “Do What Makes You Happy” no matter your state of interest whether hobbyists or professionals, we all became photographers because we enjoy the process of creating beautiful images and sharing them with the world. But often, somewhere along the way, things go oblique, and we end up unsatisfied and unhappy with the pursuit, sometimes turning our back on it altogether. If you find yourself in that place, this amazing video essay shares insightful tips on how to make yourself a happier photographer.
According to Justin Mot being happy varies from person to person, “the best thing I ever did was stepping back from social media a bit. No doubt, platforms like Instagram are often a legitimate business tool for photographers that may require your time and attention, but they can also be very toxic places, where you deal with trolls, constantly chase trends that undermine your original creative impulses, and become beholden to ultimately meaningless things such as like counts. Make sure that at the end of the day, you are creating for you (particularly if you are a hobbyist and not creating work for paying customers).”
You can watch the video shared for the full rundown from Mott below.