A photo backdrop is used by photographers as a background in taking pictures. Backdrops are not restricted to only the studio they can also be used in locations outside the studio, and they also come in different sizes and styles. Backdrops styles can be monochromatic, hand-painted, artistic, or abstract or they can feature a scene; usually something bucolic like waterfalls, forests, or rainbows. As for the material used in backdrops, they can be made of muslin, cloth, canvas, vinyl etc.
In this article, we would be talking about backdrop materials and which material can be best sourced while shooting.
- Muslin backdrops: their solid colour provides a formal look, which is the ideal option for shooting serious portraits or ID pictures. This backdrop is a reusable item that is washable when dirty.
- Paper backdrops: these are known as seamless rolls and provide a one-time use. You can find almost any colour or texture for your background, depending on the type of photos you are taking.
- Vinyl backdrops: They are the most cost-effective option as their surface can be wiped clean with a damp cloth. What’s more, these backdrops are completely foldable for storage and are not affected by humidity.
- Painted canvas backdrops: these are quite heavy and large so they’re usually seen in photo studios rather than in outdoor shooting. They are mounted on a holder and should not be folded because wrinkles in canvas are not easily removed.
- Polyester backdrops: this fleece-like fabric is free of glare, machine washable, and collapsible. Because of their matte surface, these backdrops are easy to light and are great for green screen composites, high-key white shots or low-key black shots.