With a basic clear tank or transparent plastic sheet, there are several creative ways to photograph water just waiting to be explored. These techniques can be as basic or intricate as you want them to be.
In this video, Leo Rosas for COOPH shares four different ways to get creative with water. From the classic freeze-frame water droplet photo to making globe-like effects, Rosas demonstrates them all in a behind-the-scenes look so that you can try them out yourself. If it’s been a while since you tried something new with your photography, this is an easy way to create something different and also rewarding.
Obviously this quick video is setting up some general ideas for photographing water, but one thing that I’ll add is to just keep at it if you enjoy it. It’s one thing to do a rainy day session exploring a new photographic style, however if you keep at it long enough you will find that personal creativity starts poking its head out. Soon enough you’ll develop preferences for what you think works best and looks best, which will lead into a big thing for fine art photographers: repeatable technique.