Props are used in photography to enhance creativity, character, drama and give interest to a photo by highlighting it to the subject in frame. Incorporating props in your photo as a photographer or photography enthusiast is to give the photo so much story and also help create a scene you have in mind, so photographers should know better than discard old materials, furniture and any other thing that can act as a prop to create more drama or character to your image. Photographers need not worry about elaborate stuff to use as props simple things like flowers, books, chairs, benches, and even the commonest of things can act as a props in the beautification of your image.
- IT HELPS TO TELL A STORY : Every photo has a story it tells, so the use of props helps to relay the message of the photo to viewers. For a themed shoot, modeling shoot, or portraiture, the use of props helps the viewers understand the act and art of the photographer and subject in frame.
- IT MAKES POSING EASIER : It is important that your subject feels comfortable when shooting and one of the ways to aid this is by incorporating props such as chairs, tables, books, etc. That can help enhance their comfort and ensure that images come out well. This technique can be used also when the subject is shy, doing this they become less conscious of the camera and focus on something else that would create more character to the image.
- IT SERVES AS BACKDROP : Photographers that don’t have access to a particular backdrop that can serve as a theme for their shoot can organizes props that can suit the theme of the shoot and thus it helps create more character to the shoot.
It is also very important that when using props you choose them wisely, see that they are not bigger or overshadow your subject, don’t use vibrant and highly saturated colors in your props.