In the process of being perfect, we make mistakes either as a photographer or filmmakers. I stumbled on a video that features a fortified photographer and filmmaker discussing five mistakes he has made in his career and how to fix them or avoid them entirely in the first place. The video reveals five Eric Floberg mistakes in his career and he also shared tips to avoid such mistakes during your creative journey.
We make many mistakes but the biggest mistake a lot of new professionals make is fixating and complaining about getting new gear or playing with Photoshop ideas instead of focusing on building business skills that will propel them for bigger opportunities. Not all successful professionals are very talented when it comes to gears they use but, they are strongly skilled businesspeople for whom photography is the service associated with the business. This is to say that you can find balance in the creative and business sides of your craft.
I bet you will be amazed at some of the mistakes you’ve been making when you see this video of Eric Floberg.