Hi guys, when it comes to cinematography you really don’t want to joke around, you want to get the best camera for your shoot. There are so many cameras out there with video recording ability but how sure are you that they are the best and you won’t regret using them to shoot videos. When it comes to filmmaking you have no choice but to get the right camera. There are two things to take into perspective when it comes to cinematography: one the camera and two, the cinematographer. These things have their different effects on whatever you shoot. If you shoot on a very low camera, you would get nothing but what you put in. Yes, there is the part where creativity comes in but the truth is that the camera you choose to use most time has a great influence on your output.
This video by Top 10 zone, https://youtu.be/s_oqVCpdtv8 gives the best available camera that suits your budget as well as a review on the functionality of the cameras.