Every DLSR camera comes with a shutter count which allows you to know how much the camera has been used. The shutter count or shutter actuation of a camera is the number of photographs that the camera has taken. It is an important piece of information when buying a used camera as it gives some indication of how much the camera has been used, but it is not the only indication of wear and the number itself needs to be viewed in context. DSLR cameras have a mechanical shutter mechanism to cover and expose the digital sensor. Each time you take a photograph the shutter mechanism moves back and forth across the sensor at a precise rate according to the shutter speed you selected. Like any mechanical device, the shutter experiences wear and tear, and eventually, it will fail.
It is always advisable to know the shutter counts before spending your money on that camera; especially the used cameras because with time they begin to degrade and wear the sensor.
Every camera has its shutter count rate which begins from:
- 150,000 which is the mid-range DLSRs, or 300,000 for professional DLSRs.
- Most Camera shutters last beyond their rated life span.
- There are factors that determine the lifespan of a camera such as the care, servicing, and environmental conditions.
- All Camera Jungle used (second hand used) products come with a 12-month warranty as standard.
The shutter is a very important part of a DSLR’s camera, and a lot of people use their cameras unhealthily. People often use the shutter count as a proxy for how much the camera has been used, but there are other indicating factors of the kind of treatment a camera has gone through. Inability to take proper care, service, keep in a dust-free environment can cause wear and other indications can be more important than shutter count. Just like our body system, it begins to show some strange signals after going through a lot of activities.