There are certainly different ways we conceive and do things when it comes to photography. There are also reasons why some people picked up cameras to become a photographer some of which are to document life and to explore more of their creativity. This sprout the question: what type of photographer are you?
James Popsys in his video dissects two types of photographers: Those who head out with their camera as an accessory and those who head out specifically to use their camera. According to him, when he first got interested in photography, he was definitely in the latter camp. Everything was super interesting and he was going to document it no matter what. It was fun (for a bit), but eventually, it became tiring and made the act of taking photos feel more like a chore than something he started doing for the enjoyment of it. He eventually stopped bringing his camera along for a while, before finally settling on just bringing a small point and shoot or his phone and just enjoying being outside, taking the occasional photo if and when he felt like it and only if doing so wouldn’t negatively affect his experience. Check out the video for Popsys’ full thoughts.