In a post to Facebook, Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has revealed plans to change up your news feed once again. In a renewed effort to help people stay connected, Facebook will be further limiting the number of posts people will see from brands, businesses, and media on their feed, opting to increase the number of posts from friends and family. What will this mean for your photography business page?
Many Facebook page managers have long noticed the tightening of impressions, likes, and shares their posts receive, and now there will be an acknowledged effort to reduce them further. Zuckerberg recognizes this in his message and expects “the time people spend on Facebook and some measures of engagement will go down.” To counter, he adds, “But I also expect the time you do spend on Facebook will be more valuable.” Read the full post below.
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What are your thoughts on this new goal by Facebook? Is the social network still central to your marketing? Will you continue to publish content to your pages knowing fewer people will be seeing it?
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