It is important to understand ISO and how to choose the right ISO for your photos. ISO is a major pillar of the exposure triangle alongside aperture and shutter speed and when these three are rightly placed, with other factors, it is sure to create an amazing image.
ISO helps control the amount of light that your camera lets in and it has a huge impact on how dark or light your photos will be. The term ISO means International Organisation for Standardisation, a higher ISO is used for low light situations, and a lower ISO is used in well-lit situations.
The breakdown below is a hack for photographers to know and understand how to properly set their ISO for a shoot. Here are a few general rules for finding the right sensitivity level for your DSLR or EVF digital sensor.
ISO 100: This is the best choice for shooting outdoors or in sunny days is with ISO 100.
ISO 400: When the lighting is still good, but less intense, like indoors by a window or outside on a cloudy day; a slightly higher ISO is ideal.
ISO 800: If you’re shooting indoors without an additional light source like a flash, you’ll be working in this range.
ISO 1600 or higher: When it’s dark out or if you’re shooting indoors with dim lighting, you’ll need a high ISO. If movement is involved, you’ll want to pair that high ISO with a fast shutter speed, as well.
Below is a video from YouTube by Dylan Goldby on HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT ISO FOR YOUR PHOTOS.